Kedi Healthcare

The Partner We Trust
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        Have you thought of becoming a part of this great organization? Do you even know how? Have you heard anything about Kedi Healthcare before now? Did you not get sufficient Orientation to convince you to join the Kedi Network? Well, here you are, at the right place and at the right time. I am Terainz, and you are welcome to Terainz Healthcare.

What Is Kedi Healthcare About?

        Kedi Healthcare is a Multi-Level Marketing (MLM) Networking Organization that is set to Empower and Improve Lives. Kedi Healthcare is not a Small Organization, rather, it is a Large Network with Thousands of Members worldwide.

What Does it Entail To Become A Member of Kedi Healthcare?

        Well it’s simple. When you join the Kedi Network, you become a DISTRIBUTOR. But one thing I must say is, when you Join Kedi Healthcare, you won’t be WORKING FOR Kedi Healthcare; rather, you will be WORKING WITH Kedi Healthcare. In Kedi Healthcare, We are Joint Partners. Immediately you join Kedi Healthcare, you become a PARTNER WITH Kedi Healthcare and you are treated equally, as a Partner, not a worker, or just a member.

Will Working with Kedi Healthcare Take Much Of My Time?

 Oh no! Kedi Healthcare does not take much of your time at all.

        When you become a Distributor, you can make use of Personal Contact Method, where you meet a person suffering from an ailment and then you introduce Kedi Healthcare to the individual as well as the Products he or she can use in getting rid of such ailment.

         Another method you can use is the Online Marketing Method, which of course is meant for those who are into Internet and like to stay online often. This method provides you an opportunity to meet people suffering from different forms of sicknesses; when you do, you can tell them recommend the actual combination of Products he or she can use in curing their sicknesses and get healthy.

What Are The Benefits I Can Derive From Joining Kedi Healthcare?

Hmmm, the benefits that abound in Kedi Healthcare are numerous. They include:

 Health Freedom: In Kedi Healthcare, all our distributors have a direct access to our products at a cheap price, compared to customers who are not members of kedi Healthcare. Also being a member of Kedi Healthcare gives you the opportunity to know what is happening to you or anybody around you and helps you know the right Treatment for such ailment, by giving you a brochure which will help in guiding you in the right direction to know what is wrong with you and what you can use to get cured.

 Financial Freedom: In Kedi Healthcare, we hold our members in high esteem. When you become a part of Kedi Healthcare, you start enjoying 20% instant commission (which is constant, irrespective of your level) on every product you sell or buy on your name.

        Aside the fact that you get certain percentage instant commission on every product bought on your name, you also enjoy certain percentage at the end of every month, on every product bought on you name. If in June, for instance, you buy or sell products worth N50, 000, you could be paid the sum of N10, 000, N20, 000, N30, 000 etc. at the end of June; depending on your level. Now, do not forget that you also will have been getting constant bonus of 20% as your instant commission (Retail Profit) on each product, plus the percentage you get at the end of the month; you know you are in money already. Soon, you will realize you’ll be getting like N45, 000, or even N50 000 for every N50 000 sale. You see, you just keep getting rich without actually spending much.

         One other important thing I just cannot but talk about concerning Kedi Healthcare is the fact that you’ll get to a level that even when you do not purchase or sell any product on your name, you’ll keep getting paid at the end of the month. Oh! You are wondering how this is possible, right? Well, I will explain.

        When you join Kedi Healthcare, and you invite people to also become part of Kedi Healthcare, when they register under you, you start enjoying certain percentage on everything they buy or sell on their accounts. It doesn’t end there; all other people they invite and all those who your down lines invite also invite, on and on like that. It just gets going on and on like that. So, let us say you have three people directly under you, when they also invite three people each, making nine people under the people who are directly under you. This implies that you now have twelve people under you, working for you. If you are entitled to get up to 45% on each of those three people who are directly under you, and you get like 5% on all those who are under them, this means that you get 45% in three places which sums up to 135%. Now remember you have nine people under them, and you are to get 5% on each of them, this makes 5% in nine places, which is 45%; If you add this to the previous 135%, you get 180%. This implies that at this level, you will be enjoying nothing less than 180% of everything that comes into your network.

        What does all these my explanations mean? It means if you as a distributor is actually entitled to N20 000 at the end of the month, based on your own personal input; when all the percentage on all those under you are calculated and added to what you should get, you should be able to get up to N100 000. Wow! What a great gain! You see?Financial freedom! This means you will not get broke, and even if you do not make any sale for a particular month, it doesn’t mean you will not get something at the end of the month. Without exaggerating, I know of some people who collect more than N500, 000 every month in Kedi Healthcare; I myself, am not left out of this goodies. Kedi Healthcare is indeed, very interesting.

 Travel Award: When you become a member of this great organization, you will get to a level when Kedi Healthcare will be like “Hey Man! Why not travel to maybe France, Dubai, London, Spain, Malaysia, etc. for two weeks.” When you are on this travel award, your flight shall be taken care of by Kedi Healthcare, same thing with your feeding and accommodation. Mehn..! What an enjoyment, which you just can’t afford to miss.

 Villa Award: Wow, this one is also amazing; as a distributor in Kedi Healthcare, you will attain a level, when Kedi Healthcare will award you a Villa, giving you nothing less than N8,000,000 (Eight Million Naira) to build the kind of House you want. Wow! How many organizations can do that? How many has ever done that?

 Car Award: Here in kedi healthcare, as a distributor, you’ll get to a level when kedi will give you a car, worth nothing less than Three million naira (N3M). In July, 2016, one hundred (100) distributors in Nigeria were given brand new cars, at a time in a single year; which other Multilevel Marketing Organization has achieved that in Nigeria?

        All the benefits highlighted above are some of the benefits you stand to gain from Kedi Healthcare, when you join the organization; In fact, the moment you join kedi healthcare, Kedi “owes you all these benefits” it’s now then left for you to decide when you would like to start getting them, and how do you do that? It’s by “working” towards it.


        To beome a member of this great organization that has touched the lives of millions of people all over the world, all you need to do is, Buy the Kedi Business Kit for N4000 only, and that’s all, for a lifetime. There is nothing like renewal of membership, like you have in some other MLM Businesses. Buy the Kit today, and you’ll realize you just signed a contract for achieving the very best in Kedi Healthcare, as well as the better life you’ve always dreamt of.

NOTE: Here in Kedi Healthcare, your children can inherit your business. Unlike other MLM businesses where once a person dies, that’s all, here in Kedi Healthcare, you can will your membership as well as all the your entitlements to your family.

What are you waiting for? Grab the opportunity to become a better person at achieving the best for yourself now, with Kedi Healthcare.

If you want to know more about Kedi Healthcare, feel free to contact us or Simply give us a call on +234 (0) 813 613 8185 and by the grace of God, we will enlighten you more. Now is the time to make a difference in your family, in your society, in your country and in this generation. Don't Let This Opportunity Pass You By, you've got to JUST DO IT, and You'll Achieve Excellence all the days of your life. Kedi Healthcare is the Best Business Partner One Could Ever Have.

I remain my humble self, Obadofin Jeremiah Ayobami, also known as Terainz.

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